Freitag, 4. Dezember 2009

staying close

Before they go to sleep they put up a sign pointing in the direction in which they want to travel. And they hang little bells round the necks of all their animals

soothing movement`s sound into the night

staying close

Donnerstag, 19. November 2009


sirene in waves calling the stranded
stuck in fascination you creep up

blinding you into passion

i want eternity

Donnerstag, 12. November 2009

viola seel

you me
i searched in all


lovers rock in years

Sonntag, 26. Juli 2009

farah swede

finding end

of in terms
interwoven with

i shivered when
and will forever

unresolved the path to

finding peace

i start here in sunlight bathing, recapturing the past innocence's truth

turned away versus amidst

whole yet hurt

Montag, 29. Juni 2009

research project

could we leave it all behind

not even think of the moment

if one has to break us open

break us strong as we resist

what then will happen will be private

like after any exhaustion

recapulation is taking place

meditate me

meditate me

i dont want to lead you through but i want to bring across

the thought and frame

and enable


with me

to go back in time

back to essence

re realisation

without context but caused

actively via

passivly from your side first

stop inside i meant to say

stop and weap for past and present


imagine anew

stay inside

feel it coming

Dienstag, 9. Juni 2009

eleanor weber words

28 mai

je me demande

i wonder

j'attends un moment

i wait a moment

i wait for the moment

feeling matter outside
push(ing) the matter inside

eprouver dehors

pousser a l'interior

concrete liquid thoughts
ways to learn
to see

sky streaking tear clear
terre dissolving

point of reaching



I am looking for you
to tell me

not automatically
not correctly

but perfectly

i reach you in day
between dawn and dusk

too much light
dictated as it is

tell me
you cannot
see too

no night in this world
because we created with obedient
diligent doigts

no rest


be aware of the structure that dictates your life, live within and without this structure,
without forgetting that without the structure you are not within anything, therefore can never be without it,


dont block me

when you block me

i fight back

come back


because i learn

text eleanor weber
imagery anastasia freygang
28 mai publication

galerie deborah zafman

Samstag, 16. Mai 2009

for raddest right now

the only one that counts


there is
to come

once we had a still fight

we have


to then loose it ?

cant believe we are giving up

Samstag, 21. März 2009


it was ibiza 2006, i was nineteen hitchhiking in its mountains to follow a baywatcher who once drove me homewards

standing by the carpaths there were motos that passed me

an idyllic vision came up after a few encounters

love means: girl drives moto in bikini sans helmet, boy is in her back on the same seat, vegetables or flowers in the busket and a dog by her feet



good speed

Samstag, 14. März 2009

zum allgemeinen

nur das reflektieren erlaubt

nur das sehen kann

wenn ich spüre dann weiss ich
gesagt wird was geglaubt wird

wenn du nicht weisst dann sprich nicht

Mittwoch, 11. März 2009

Das leben schreit mir laut ins Ohr
und ich beuge mich

man erinnert sich

glanz des sommers, kalter boden in der winterzeit

ich hab mich immer selbst gerettet

und ich bin der der bleibt

du schonst mich nicht
gefuehlt und gedacht, ich formuliere
ich schweige nicht

bewege mich, handel im rahmen meiner zeit
und danke dir fuer den segen

den schmerz
die ruhe

und die immer wiederkehrende einsamkeit

Dienstag, 3. Februar 2009

paris Impressions

A quote from last night :

it seems that growing up, becoming an adult, can be equalled to loosing the fight

tong emanuel

Samstag, 31. Januar 2009

thinking of

no need for cosmic wonders
what they say is that it lies within us
based on the most primitive sensations we find back
find truth

not everybody is looking for peace
we reach out enjoy positive stress, waste the time turning it into frustrated desires

trees and light
brown wood
some like colours of flowers
i am thinking of minerals
its beauty within

when it comes to cloth it should be floating
leaving space for rythm
the very own one
the very personal

does it hang on to you it must be heavy so that you recognise and choose
otherwise it might hang on to you
you being in the known
or passiv

we must fight i say
or said

the calm i would pronounce this sentence with would not reflect its meaning

we must lean
on to eachother

or stand alone with broadend shoulders
ex hale

open eyes

jump off a fence to the other side where streets are rural
believe past
and listen

grow long curls and touch soil


then dance with your family

berlin impressionen

ich kann die ebenen flächen ihrer gesichter und gedanken nicht mehr ertragen